Review of the months of september and october 2019
A little ticket for the two months that have just passed. The month of September was busy and I could not advance much on my projects.
First of all, I want to thank Lily for giving me an interview this afternoon, you can find it here (in french), as well as on my author Facebook page.
All texts and illustrations in this post are licensed CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
The novel "Macabre Holiday" is corrected and the final layout is in progress. I hope to publish it in November or early December.
Here is a small excerpt (in French):
Malgré ses résolutions, elle déballa son portable et se connecta au réseau du BEI pour vérifier les archives. Emmanuel possédait bien un dossier, elle soupira avant de l’ouvrir. Il avait été soupçonné de meurtre cinq ans plus tôt, mais avait obtenu un non-lieu. Les médias s’étaient emparés de l’affaire. Les dates correspondaient à cette partie de sa vie dont elle n’avait plus aucun souvenir. Sa mémoire avait gardé ces souvenirs, qu’elle avait selon les médecins, refoulés au plus profond d’elle-même. La mémoire lui reviendrait peut-être durant son séjour. Cette pensée l’effraya quelque peu, mais la réjouit aussi. Elle pourrait enfin comprendre ce qui s’était passé, même si elle devait pour cela revivre les quelques jours qui avaient changé sa vie. Elle se déconnecta alors et rangea son ordinateur. Elle vérifia ensuite que Thibaut dormait bien et verrouilla la porte avant de se coucher.
Volume 3 is being read again, I hope to publish it in the first quarter of 2020. The coverage is almost over. Here is an overview:
Made with Blender and Krita.
I made good progress on 3D representations with Blender thanks to tutorials and courses that I followed on the cloud Blender and on Youtube.
Here is a preview before going under Krita.
Inside the main base, one of the corridors that leads to the garages.
The temple of the Shamadroihs on Varuljarna.
The 2D illustrations under Krita are less advanced, I worked more on exercises to better use it. For those who use it, do not hesitate to consult the site of David Revoy who recently shared a bundle os brushes.
I had a little fun to redo the cover of Holiday Macabres, it will not be the one that will be used for the publication, the original is much better, but it was a good exercise to test different techniques and brushes. I did it in speed painting in 1:45.
I also created an account on devianart to share my work and have feedback from my peers. I add the illustrations already reworked as and when.
I have made little progress on the translation of the first volume and have not made any progress on the short stories.
I was able to gather some information on the possibility of using financing tools like patreon and consorts, apparently, it would be possible to go through this system without having to ask permission to my job. I will continue to dig this track. In parallel, I also work on my long-term professional project to be able to free up time to continue to write and illustrate my world in order to share it with you.
I once again changed writing software, still a free software, Manuskript, it looks a bit like Scrivener in practice. It finally suits me better to work on texts. I will come back to this later in a dedicated article..