Travelers, I welcome you to the world of the Veillorz
Here you will find everything about the Veillorz and their adventures across the galaxy and beyond.

The cycle of Memoirs of a Veillorz is a cycle of science fiction in which we find references to earthly mythologies and fantasy, especially in the first volume.
The word Veilleur is a word that comes from the common language created for this cycle, the Ræðusamos. It is not gendered, since it is considered a foreign word, even if this word exists in French. The title of the cycle in its English version is "Memoirs of a Veillorz". You will find the Order of the Veillorz, etc. It is pronounced [vejorz]. In the simplified spelling of Ræðusamos based on the spoken language, it is also written Veillorz. The name of the cycle in its English version is "Memoirs of a Veillorz". Veillorz, etc. The choice was made to use, in most of the texts, this spelling rather than the traditional spelling, to avoid amalgams with the French word which is only a homograph, since it has no not the same meaning.
As one of the characters in the animated film, Jack's Christmas, explains, a Veillorz is "a person who wants to give his time to help others", Vlad - Jack's Christmas.
This cycle takes place over several centuries and generations. It also features two spin-offs. L'Année Perdue/The Lost Year is the first book in the main series.
The first spin off tells the adventures of Inès and Anselm, it is entitled: Lunimeran. Here is its logo:
The second concerns Jimmy and Dolorès. It's entitled Moïja. Here is its logo:
The main series has for logo a simpler representation of the badge that all Veillorz have, in addition to the one that gives their function.
Here is the Veill badge :
This image represents the precepts that any Veillorz must respect: Respect, Protection, Justice and Safeguard. You can find the other badges in the illustrations section. The information is detailed in the first visual novel/game : Become Veillorz/i>.
Various media are used to transmit the adventures of our companions: Novels, short stories, animations, illustrations, music, visual news/games, illustrated and illuminated news, videos, BD... I invite you to discover all this via the menu at the top of the page. You can find the illustrations on my Artstation account.
You can also find information on the Galion des étoiles, where the captain did me the honor of adding my stories in its holds.