The stories relating to the adventures of the Veilleur/Veillorz.
Period 0 includes the Prequels, as well as the two spin-offs that take place in this universe, but only on Earth. All the Prequels are located before the Lost Year which constitutes the first volume of the main series and the beginning of the first period.
- Lathouor (Undetermined date)Dagiran (Undetermined date)Jack Christmas (12/1822)(1973)Double Murder (07/1978)An exhilarating job (10/1995)(05/1999)(07/1999)(11/2004)(08/2002)(02/2003)(04/2003)(06/2003)(10/1996)(12/1998)(01/1999)(05/2000)
First period
- (2005-2006)(2010)(2026-2027)(2084)
Second period
- ()(2250)(2257)
Third period
- Episode 5 - Attack on Mars (2330)Episode 6 - Markaðurjarna (2335)(2350)Episode 7 - Troubled past (2374)Shap (2403)
Fourth period
- (2467)(2480)