Review 2020

Written by Lou Morens no comments
Classified in : Uncategorized Tags : Review, New, visual novel, publication
Fiche bilan mensuel fevrier-avril 2021
The financial report is only available to people who support me on Tipeee.
On the 2020 review program:
  • New visual
  • Writing
  • Drawing
  • Musical universe
  • 2021 objectives

Visual novel

The visual novel is fully translated. It will be available mid-January. I delayed putting it online in order to directly incorporate the music and sound effects, rather than giving a silent version, then a musical version.

I thought I would make it available on, but I can hardly understand the VAT part. If I can understand how it works, it will be free with the possibility of making a donation. I will make a dedicated post with all the information when it becomes available.

The presentation videos are created, all you have to do is edit.



I had tried the Nanowrimo to finish writing volume 7, but I finally gave up due to some health concerns. I'm still happy to have tried it, it allowed me to correct the chapters already written and refine the plot of the following.

The first two chapters of "Lathouor - The Book of Exile" are free to read on Atramenta (in french only for now). They will be on the website soon. The following chapters are also corrected.


I am waiting for a return from reading to publish "Mystérieuses disparitions" (in french only for now), the second short story dedicated to Inès and Anselm. It should, if all goes well, be available in January. Coverage is almost complete. I still have to finalize the script for the trailer.


I started posting the Lost Year, 1st volume of the cycle (l'Année perdue), on Bookelis in addition to Atramenta (in french only for now). This would make it easier for me to have copies at home and offer them for sale signed and decorated with goodies. Betrayals (volume 2) and Metanelia (volume 3) will follow shortly. This version is illustrated, in black and white. I can now add self-made drop caps to start each chapter, as well as small additional images. I will finally have a version as I had imagined it when I tried the adventure of the publication.

First page with drop cap

I advanced on the collection of erotic short novels (in french only for now). I had an excellent feedback that warmed my heart on one of them. I don't know what to do with it yet. Keep it for myself and for those interested, on request only? Make it available for free reading? Each short story features moments in the life of certain characters in the cycle. There is also a cut scene from Betrayals. I will think about the question ...

Volume 4 is in the process of being finalized, I have a few notes to postpone before leaving it in the hands of my first reader. At the same time, I will be looking for one or two beta readers. I have to do the cover and script for the trailer.

The collection of stories created by the Pécéociens 2020 collective , whose dividends are entirely donated to the PLURIEL association, is available (in french only for now). Do not hesitate to discover the 12 authors who came together to give birth to this collection. There is something for every taste. The theme for this year was a month, an author. Each received his month and had to compose a news accordingly. For the month of May, you will discover the unusual story of James Mac Alister. This news is part of one of the spin-offs of the cycle. It is found in several short stories of episodes that take place before the Lost Year.


This year, for the feast of Yule, I reworked the news dedicated to Dagiran. It is illuminated and illustrated. I took the initial illumination I had done several years ago and reproduced it digitally. The rendering of gilding and silver is not the best, but it is an illusion. I let you discover it for free reading on the Gaiar platform (in french only for now). I have to integrate this new platform into the website, in order to make it readable directly from the site.



I created some new illustrations. They are still in the labor phase. Some illustrate the Lost Year, others relate to the following volumes and news of the cycle.

I'm thinking of creating a new trailer for the new version of the first two Tomes.

I started storyboards for the next 3 visual news to predict 3D and 2D illustrations. The stories are already written and partly translated.

Musical universe

You can now find the musical universe on the dedicated page of the website.

2021 objectives

I have to decide, in January, what to publish or not next year and especially at what pace.

A lot of change should take place mid-year and impact for a few weeks, at a minimum, on my ability to produce content around the cycle. I will write a specific post as soon as I have more concrete information on this subject.

I am also in the process of creating a newsletter. I am no longer very present on social networks and the information I post there is therefore hardly visible. For those who are interested, it will be easier to follow the progress of the work via a newsletter.

In the very short term goals, I will publish a second illuminated and illustrated short story on the Gaiar platform.

Volume 1 will be available in its new version in January.

Medium-term objectives: finish postponing the corrections of two news items that will be available for free reading during the first quarter.

For longer term goals, I will see in January.

Thank you to all the people who support me, whether morally (moments of doubts, beta-reading, comments, reading feedback, etc.) or financially (Tipeee , Gaiar, purchase of books although they are available for free reading , etc.)

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