Between present and past - Memoirs of a Veillorz - Episode 4

This novel is only available in french. Only the presentation page is translated

frSee french version.
Offical cover
Samia and Julia, who is who? Only Ethan makes the difference. But when he suspects that a mission is going to end badly, he confesses certain things to Simoniel. When Ethan disappears and the Veillorz are unable to contact his teleporter, Simoniel has no other choice but to contact his sister who pretends to be Julia. Will they find Ethan? Why did Samia and Julia switch places? This exchange raises so many questions, not only about the present, but also about the past, about those the Veillorz call the legends, and also about the future. To what extent can the Veillorz navigate from one era to another without breaking the first two rules?

Fourth volume of the main series of Memoirs of a "Veillorz". You will discover through this story some notions of the common language: the "Ræðusamos", like the origin of the word "Veillorz" which, even if it looks like the French word, does not have the same meaning or the same pronunciation. Time travel, answers, love, friendship, duty.
Informed and adult public.This story concludes the first arc of the Memoirs of a Veillorz series.

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Paper edition

Prix : 20€
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