Lathouor - The book of exil - Memoirs of a Veillorz

This novel is only available in french. Only the presentation page is translated

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Offical cover
The exodus from Lathouor, where it all began.
While everyone is living peacefully in the protected area of Lathouor, one man's madness will force the Sages to take up arms. Will Denoel and the Sages succeed in safeguarding the communion between all peoples? Will they be able to save all of Lathouor's life forms?
In our galaxy, 4 peoples, 4 planets from 3 different solar systems have uncanny similarities. Why are their languages similar? Why do they all practice meditation? Why do they all believe in the presence of the Entities?
Where do these four words that are so important to the "Veillorz" come from: Respect, Protection, Justice, Safeguard.

Prequel to the main series of Memoirs of a "Veillorz" cycle, which can be found in the first two volumes and in several short stories.
Rescue, extermination, racism, hidden truths.
Informed public.

Informations techniques

Paper edition

Prix : 18€
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